Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pinterest Made Me Do It..Again

What could we have possibly seen on Pinterest to spark our creative eye? Why, only the coolest little cake you have ever seen!
Pinned Image
Here is an example from Pinterest of what some people did. Now..we didn't want ours to be just plain and boring..
We started off with just making normal white cake mix. Then we separated the batter into 5 different bowls. (Depending on how many colors you choose to use.)
Ashlie took quite a few pictures..of everything. 
These are the five colors we decided to use. Purple, blue, green, yellow, and black. The black was definitely a shocker. It turned out to be everyone's favorite color of the cake.
We started off just taking spoons and drizzling our batter onto the pan. It made it more hectic and original.
It took a LONG time to get all the batter in there.
There is what our cake looked like right before being put in the oven. We were nervous all the colors would mix, but they stayed in form.
Right out of the oven!
"El Horno Es On-o!"
Plating the cake..
And there you have it! There is our lovely, colorful cake! We were very impressed and definitely encourage you all to try it. Great for girls nights!


  1. Ah yes I totally pinned this! Yours turned out great! I really want to try this with cupcakes.. (:

  2. Oh my goodness so much fun! Ha ha, you and your plate. (: You had to use three plates and switch it four times, but hey. That is one nice plate. (: Love you girl!

  3. I was thinking of doing cupcakes Mikayla! Let me know how it turns out(: Love you too, Ash!(: You have to admit, the plate added a nice touch. (:
