Saturday, February 5, 2011

*Prayer Power*

Last night, I had on of the most mind-boggling experiences. I was hanging out with Emily, Trevor, and Jaden, and we decided to go to Jaden's house. Well, me and Emily got there first, so we parked my car at Trevor's. By the time they got there, we had been waiting for only a few minutes. I was going to follow them in my car to get to Jaden's house. When I turned my car on to go, it said I had absolutely NO gas. It was empty. We turned it off, thinking maybe it was just showing wrong. Started it again...No gas. We did that for about 10 minutes, freaking out. Still no gas. We left my car and walked to Jadens. A few hours later, I had to be home. So I went so my car, hoping it would finally run with gas in it. Trevor was right behind us, ready to follow us to the gas station. We turned my car on and...yup, you guessed. No gas. Emily turned to me and said, "Lets say a might work!" So we bowed our heads down, she said a prayer that we would get to the gas station safely, and everything would be alright. We said our "amens", and turned the car back on. My gas tank was full. I checked every little thing in my car to see if it was right, and it was. Even though it was a little experience and it seemed like luck, I know prayer had something to do with it. I'm grateful that we have the power to ask for assistance in time of need.