Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Little Angels

I don't know how to react about Friday's news. Those 20 little kids that tragically lost their lives. It breaks my heart. I may not have known the kids, or even lived in the same state as them, but it affected us here in little Syracuse just as much. I came home during 7th period to talk to my mom when I turned on the news. I lost it. Jeff came over and we just sat and watched the news reports. As the numbers grew, so did my sadness. Twenty families lost one of their babies. How is that fair? I understand God has a plan, but sometimes His plan just breaks your heart. There is no explanation why this had to happen. Why them, why Connecticut, just why. We have so many questions that can't be answered right now. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families and friends that were affected by this. I was talking to my dad later that night and he told me about the school in Japan. The schoolchildren that were attacked by knife. I don't think I will ever understand how our world has come to this. It terrifies me to grow up and have kids of my own. The world is becoming a sick, twisted place. It makes you wonder what else is going to happen.I pray every night the world has some crazy turning point where we realize just how horrible we've become, and that it's time to change.

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