Friday, March 29, 2013

I Am Blessed

Sometimes I forget about all of the good things I have in my life. Wednesday was HORRIBLE. Probably the worst day I have had in awhile. School was just rough. I couldn't stay concentrated and I'm pretty sure I cried in every single class period. Jeff is the best. He came over after school and just sat with me while I cried for a bit. He really is the best. Josh got his call. Once everyone texted me to tell me where he was going (Argentina), I just lost it. I'm pretty sure I sat in my room sobbing for an hour. Pathetic, I know. I think part of it was I am just so unbelievably proud of him. That boy will be the best missionary out there. No doubt in my mind. I've just been so stressed about life. Third term kicked me in the bootay. Worst grades I have ever gotten. I'm pretty sure I got a 3.5, which is bad in my parents book. So that was great. I'm sick again. Twice this month. AWESOME. Not really. But it's fine. My immune system is just weak. Whatevs.
Anywho, while I was sititng in my room, crying my eyes out (definite mascara running down my face. That was a new experience. Not a fan) Mags texted me saying she was coming over. This girl has seriously been such a blessing in my life. I love her to pieces. So yeah, she came over and the first thing she says to me? "I have the Les Mis soundtrack blasting right now." MUSIC TO MY EARS. LITERALLY. So we get in her car, and just drive. She doesn't say anything and just lets me cry. So, I do. I cry and cry and cry. I've gotten pretty good about not crying in front of people, but that all went out the door Wednesday. We made it to West Point park and we just sat there. I just exploded. I named off almost everything that was going on. There are still things I kept to myself, because let's be honest. That's just the person I am. But I told her how I felt like my life was just bad. Her response? "Okay. You've said all the bad things, but I think you've forgotten the good things you have." I know I'm blessed. I know I have things in my life that other people aren't given. We just sat and she started naming off things about me that were good and positive. My favorites? I'm a little psychotic, but still funny. And I have good hygenie. HOLLA.
The tears finally stopped after awhile and we were just laughing. It was good to get a lot of the things I was feeling out. Once I got home, I went straight to bed. No time for overthinking everything. Waking up Thursday, I had a change of heart. No more negativity. I have less than three months left of high school. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. I tend to forget that there are people who have it a lot worse than I do. I take all my blessings for granted.
When these waves of emotions come on, I seem to always ignore the fact that I'm not alone. I always feel like no one understands and that I am solely in charge of figuring it out for myself. But that is not the case. I have a Savior who died for me and died to take away my pain. He knows exactly what I'm going through and how it feels. That's overwhelming, in a good way. To have a best friend that loves you SO much that He would give anything for you to be okay. It's so comforting to know that I'm not going through things alone. I just need to kneel down and ask for help. The best part of this? He is ALWAYS there. He will never leave me. How we are all so blessed to have that, just baffles me.
My favorite quote of the moment, "It's just a bad day. Not a bad life." I need to remember this. Just because one day sucks, doesn't mean that I have a bad life. I don't. I have an awesome life. I just forget and need a reminder sometimes.
I have the best best friends on the face of the planet. I just need to take a moment and brag about how absolutely spectacular they are. Mags has seriously been an AMAZING example in my life. We've always been friends, nice to each other, a hey in the hall. But these last few weeks, she has seriously become one of my closest friends. I don't think a day goes by where we don't talk. My heart breaks for her. She has been through so much, especially recently. I wish I could help her. She is such an amazing person and doesn't deserve the difficulties she has been dealt. Sandi died about a week ago. That has been so hard for Maggie. I don't know how to help her. I'm trying to be there for her through everything. I'm praying for her. She is so strong, and shouldn't have to be alone in all of this. We invited her to come to St. George with us for Spring Break 2013 this week. She's coming. I couldn't be more excited! She is so loved by my friends. We've introduced her to knew people at Clearfield. Showed her that she is pretty great and that people love her. She's pretty cool. Love her to death. And I'm pretty sure we are super hilarious together when we make our dinosaur noises. It's fine.
Then there is Emily. OH MY GOSH CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE HER. Hahaha, seriously though. Best friend of a lifetime award goes to her. She was gone for ten days. Let me tell ya how much that sucked. We hang out every day. And if we don't hang out, we are texting each other all day, every day. You could say we are weird. But I would disagree. She is going to be an Ambassador at Weber State. Don't know if I've said that in earlier posts. But I'm so proud of her that I'll just say it again! She is going to rock it up there. I'm pretty sure the incoming freshman class will just adore her. No shocker there. The day she got back from California, I skipped second period so we could catch up. Because yes, that is what we do when we haven't seen each other in a week and a half. I'm pretty sure it took us all of three seconds to start catching each other up on everything that happened. We are awesome. She's the best bff I could ever ask for. We've been super pissed lately. All these girls are getting flowers from freaking RANDOM people. Then there is us. Um. Okay. I'm pretty sure we are adorable and hilarious. WHY DO BOYS NOT LOVE US. Really though. I'm sure if you read our text messages, you woud die laughing because we are that funny. You da best, E. Love ya!
Jeffrey freaking Herbert. He gets a small little bit of this. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have made it through school last year like I did. He may be all grown up and in college, but he has no problem dropping things for his Asher. I love my porcupine. He's been one of the biggset blessings in my life. He is over all the time, or texting me just to check in. He is going to be one amazing husband one day. Have no fear, I already told him I must approve of his wife.
The sun is out, it's warm, spring break starts in a little more than four hours. I'M SO EXCITED.
I've been blessed and I'm grateful for everything I have been given.

Have an amazing weekend, ladies and gents. Can't wait to hear all about it!

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