Sunday, August 7, 2011

I've Learned Something

At this time.. boys aren't even worth it. It's safer to be friends than anything serious right now. I've lost friends from relationships. The boys I have been with, and even their friends I got close with.
I had a little summer fling this week. Just a boy I liked, and he like me too. We were going to try out a relationship. The only rule we had was if it was going to hurt our friendship, we'd forget the relationship and stick with being friends. I felt we were forgetting the friendship in the midst of the flirting. I told him that honestly. Now, we aren't on speaking terms. He is making it seem like we were married and I wasn't a good wife... How does that work out? It wasn't even a serious relationship. Whatever though, it's his loss, right?
My friend has been struggling with a boy of her own. They had a thing this summer but now it seems to be dwindling... Does she try and mend the relationship? Or just go back to normal and be friends?
 Why in the world must we deal with this? We put our trust in a boy, and he goes and takes our heart out and just plays around with it.

Girls, take pride in who you are. Don't let a boy dictate your life. You are strong and capable of living your own life. Don't depend on having a boyfriend. We have to stick together as females.


  1. Love it court! We are always here for you! :)

  2. Rule number one when it comes to boys: If he's not on his way, he's in you're way. Move on to bigger and better things! Love ya!
