Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Best Team That Couldn't Win

I play for Syracuse High Soccer.
This season was one of the most RIDICULOUS seasons I have ever played. That is including club ball.
Our record?
Preseason : 5-0
Regular season : 1-8-1
...Big difference.
We may not have done good, but we had to many good times. 
Our seniors were the best.
Friendships were made across the whole team. 
I'm going to miss these girls with all my heart 
Kenna's 16th birthday!
We like to sit in our team lockers
We bring a LOT of stuff to our games. Our bags get realllllly heavy.
Sometimes, we all like each other, and are excited to play soccer
We own the back seat. Duncan and Court on the right side. 2nd to last seat, and 3rd to last seat. Syd and I on the left, same seats.
We go to March Of The Titans as a team. 
We play soccer on the track, boys against girls, keep away.
To many memories made.
We like to actually become friends, and sleep over together.
Syd, Me, Jayd, and Dunc like to wake up at 7 to go and watch our boys play soccer
Adrenaline <3
Party rock dancing and cheering
Best Friends Forever
We are ridiculously proud of the school we represent.
Every once in awhile, we wear normal clothes when we hang out.
We tie-dye shirts and make them match. Because we are a cute team and can do that.
90 percent of the time, we can't be serious.
Best friends anyone could ask for
Best friend Jaydin! 
Love my baby girl!
These girls are the young ones. We try to help them with life, soccer, and most importantly...BOYS!
My little Sisters and I
These seniors made this year worth while.
We had to wait. For a long time. For the buses. Very annoying.
Pictures of us on the bus are our favorites.
I'd date us...wouldn't you?
The rides got ridiculous. So did we.
We OWNED that back seat
Last games make me sad..
Never thought my best friends/sisters would be 2 years younger than me.
These girls became best friends.
Funny story. We make each other mad. So we start the middle of the main hallway. When we are done, we look up to see all of the wrestlers had been watching..and they were clapping. Lesson learned : If you and your best friend are going to fight, do it where the wrestlers can see you. 
People finally realized how cool we were and joined in the party in the backseat
Our coach and our amazing seniors. We look up to them SO much <3
How they expect us to be serious...I will never know. Hopefully, we can be half of what our seniors meant to us.

Overall... Best season of my life. I made lasting friendships, amazing memories, and I'm starting to feel better about myself and my decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like SO much fun, and making those best friends is always the most wonderful feeling in the world. (:
