Sunday, January 2, 2011


Help! If you're reading this...I need assistance. Will someone explain to me HOW to do some stuff on here? What do the labels do? How to you link things on here? How do you tag people? I'm still a newbie at all of this and I need help! Thank you in advance!


  1. Well I'd be glad to help ya :)
    Are really optional they just help to organize your blog so people know what you're posting about. Like if you wanted all of your friend posts in one catergory then you would write Friends in the label section on every friend post.
    I am not sure what you mean by link things? Like videos? Or links to specific websites..?
    Lastly, as far as I know you can't tag people in anything. if you're meaning like in posts and things?
    Kind of like a facebook tag?
    ha sorry if I was of no help.
    You're just too confusing ;)

  2. I will show you what I mean with the link things. And with tag, like when you do a post and tag people? Kinda with the "8 questions" post, and you tag people in them? does that do anything?

  3. Oh I see...
    Nope. It's just like an e-mail tag.
    you just answer the questions write 8 more questions and type peoples names you want to tag
