Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sick? Can you say THIS SUCKS!

Wow. I am sick of being sick. Oh, how I hate these lovely little things we call colds.. It has brought me nothing but BOREDOM! Didn't feel good once Thursday, (got my patriarchal blessing...SO AMAZING!), and sick alllll day Friday. Didn't get to do anything. Today, Saturday, I cleaned my room. The cleanest it's ever been! I officially have no clothes sucks. People always say, "Oh, I have nothing to wear!" ... I literally have nothing. A few shirts, 3 jeans, a couple of jackets...It's terrible! This calls for a shopping trip once I get better! Hanging out with my best girls tonight! Jordan, Ciera, and Alyssa later..Should be fun! Vegas next week with my best friend...Yes, it's for a tournament, but HELLOOOO HEAT! Sorry it was more of a catch up...again. Keep me on track here, guys! I need to start posting more about things!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that you got your patriarchal blessing by the way! How cool for you!! (: Have fun shopping! Hope you find some cute stuff!!

    I've given you a blog award! Check out my post, "Life is Good!"
