Monday, March 18, 2013

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission... Plus Some Other Ramblings

I was rereading my patriarchal blessing the other day, and it hit me. I have to serve a mission. It was written so clearly that I was shocked I hadn't noticed it before. As April approaches, so does the realization that I can start my mission papers. Granted, I won't be able to actually leave for quite a few months, but the fact that the process gets to start is so exciting!

All of my friends are getting their calls. Landon and Parker Greenhalgh have been called to serve in Taiwan. Landon: Taichung, leaving July 10. Parker: Taipei, leaving June 26. Zach Lamb was just called to serve in Honduras, San Pedro Sula mission. He leaves June 26, too. I am so unbelievably proud of these boys. They are serious examples in my life. It's going to be hard to say goodbye, but I know that what they are doing is the most important thing right now. I hope and hope and hope they will all be here when I get my call.

Bryson Westbroek had his mission farewell yesterday. He's leaving in April to serve in the West Indies. That kid.. He is a freaking stud. He's going to kick some serious butt down there. Kaelton Heil and Braiden Simmons are getting their calls this week (hopefully). I'm so nervous for the both of them! They both need to get out there and start serving. It will be so good for them to finally be out of here. Jeff's papers are almost submitted. Just waiting on his bishop. Excuse me while I go cry my eyes out.

Between all of these farewells and mission openings, I feel like that is all anyone is focused on anymore! School? Forget about it! This term has been kicking my butt. I need 4th term to start so I can have clear grades and just finish! 81 days. 81 days and I will be graduated from high school. No one understands just how excited I am. High school is Hell, and if someone tells you otherwise, don't trust them. They are obviously a liar or mentally ill. Seriously, though.

My BFF is out of town for the next few days. And let me tell you, IT SUCKS. I have been so bored. This just goes to show that we spend way to much time together. It's fine though; her brother texted me last night saying we need to go out on a sibling date since he feels deserted as well without her. I love the George family. They never fail to make me feel like part of the family.

Senior year. I think we've finally all hit that wall where we don't care what's happened in the last few years. All that matters is that we are going crazy and having fun. Honestly, I don't care anymore about a fight that happened sophomore year when someone said something bad about someone else. It doesn't freaking matter. I've worked things out with some friends, and with others, we've just forgotten about it completely. I love it. I can call anyone on a Saturday night and just hang out. We have proven this to be true. This last Saturday, I was with Mags, Jaycee, Jordan Cobabe, Braiden Simmons, Brennan O'Neil, and Hayden Jardine. Most random group of people? You better believe it. But it was honestly one of the most fun nights I've had in awhile. And we did nothing big. We played basketball (our own version) and watched a movie. But I loved every second of it.

Let me just vent for a second here. Honestly... am I defective? Or mentally not all there? Someone please tell me. Because there must be something totally wrong with me. All these couples walking around school tend to make a girl jealous. But the part that really gets me... some of these people are SUPER WEIRD. Now I'm not judging, if you're happy with someone, be with them. Good for you. That is great. Just don't let me see you making out in the middle of the hallway. That's super nast' and ain't nobody got time fo dat. But seriously. I look at my cute friends and myself and wonder how we are single. I'm pretty sure we are super awesome and everyone should love us. I might be bias. Now don't get me wrong, I understand that I'm not the prettiest girl around town. But I don't think I'm completely hideous. I mean... sometimes my hair is really nice. Sometimes. It's just disheartening to walk around school and see all these happy lovey-dovey couples and people who are just 'in love' and realize that it's been over a year since your last REAL relationship. And I get it, it's all in God's timing. When I'm supposed to be with someone, I will be. I'm just sayin', it would be a lot of fun to actually date around. Not just spend your weekends watching movies with the same five people. Maybe that's just me though. SO. Dear Stripling Warrior that God is sending my way.. Try not to get lost. Because I'm already impatient.

I'm so grateful for my friends. They have been so great these last few weeks. We've been rebellious, crazy teenagers that we've needed to be. I'm grateful for the gospel in my life. I seriously would be so lost without it. I know that I've been blessed with a family that loves me, and friends that care. I'm grateful for the George's. I'd be going insane if it wasn't for them. They've totally taken me in as one of their own and I'm loving it. Senior year, you've been good to me. I am so excited for you to be done with though. Bring on the real world, my mission, and growing up. I'm ready for some new challenges.

Until next time,

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