Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just A Thought

We all are need of some HOPE right now.
Hope that we can make it one more week of school. . .
Hope that we can make the most of our short summer. . .
Hope that things will start to look up. . .
I'm not the only one that has been struggling for these past few weeks. Right now, I'm sending out my love and some hope to those that need it. You can push through the trials, you can look past the bad in life.
I have faith in you out there. It seems like all hope is gone, but trust me, it's not the end of the world.
You have your friends, your family, and the gospel.
Don't give up...Keep pushing on.
You can do it.


  1. Courtney you just mad my day your are such a fantastic amazing person!!!!! i love you!!!your a BABE!!

  2. Hoping that who I thought were my friends might actually act like it sometime...

  3. Courtney! Thank you this is exactly what I needed at the moment! Freak where have you been all my life!(:
